Exhibition: Tahkomiq/ Ma’kemigew at the Charlotte Street Arts Centre (Fredericton, NB) – Artbridges

Exhibition: Tahkomiq/ Ma’kemigew at the Charlotte Street Arts Centre (Fredericton, NB)

Exhibition: Tahkomiq/ Ma’kemigew at the Charlotte Street Arts Centre (Fredericton, NB)


« The Charlotte Street Arts Centre opens Tahkomiq/ Ma’kemigew, a group exhibition of traditional and contemporary Wabanaki artwork, on Monday, July 29th, 2013 from 5:30-7pm. The exhibition, which takes place in the Penny Gallery, is a significant curatorial project by CSAC’s Saint Mary’s First Nation Artistic Intern, Judie Acquin-Miksovsky.

Tahkomiq/ Ma’kemigew translates to the simple word ‘land’ in the Maliseet and Mi’kmaq languages. Acquin-Miksovsky describes that, “The people of Wabanaki Territory have been connected to each other and the land for many moons, time immemorial. From the time we are born we know that we have a responsibility to protect our Mother, the Earth. We know that Mother Earth provides for us in every way that we require.”

While assisting Charlotte Street Arts Centre’s Director of Arts Development, Lisa Anne Ross, with a First Nations youth Theatre Art Camp at St Mary’s, Judie also provided the opportunity to learn basic basketry skills. In addition to this, Judie partnered with CSAC resident artists in artistic skills sharing sessions. Some of the works from those endeavours will be shown in the exhibition, along with Judie’s own traditional ash baskets.

Judie Acquin-Miksovsky is a recent graduate from New Brunswick College of Craft and Design, with a diploma in Aboriginal Visual Arts. She is currently continuing her studies at UNB in Adult Education. Judie is a member of the Maliseet Community of Saint Mary’s, located in Fredericton, NB. During her time at the college, Judie learned Traditional Ash Basketry, something practiced by her ancestors throughout many generations. She has received commissions to create basketry pieces for his Honour, Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick, Graydon Nicholas and for the Governor of Hebei Province in China, Zhang Qingwei.

Tahkomiq/ Ma’kemigew will run from July 29th till September 30th, 2013 in the Penny Gallery, at the Charlotte Street Arts Centre, 732 Charlotte Street, Fredericton. All are welcome to attend the opening reception. The Charlotte Street Arts Centre opens the doors of creative expression to all. »

– submitted by WhiteFeather, Charlotte Street Arts Centre

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