Exploring Anti-Oppression in Creative Spaces (Ottawa) – Artbridges

Exploring Anti-Oppression in Creative Spaces (Ottawa)

Exploring Anti-Oppression in Creative Spaces (Ottawa)

Exploring Anti-Oppression in Creative Spaces

« Oct 23, 6-8 pm FREE

Engage an interactive and explorative look into anti-oppression that is based in mutualism, respect, and muscle memory.

In this workshop we will engage in an interactive and explorative look into anti-oppression that is based in mutualism, respect, and muscle memory. You will develop a new lens to objectively recognize anti-oppression, proactively create safer creative spaces, and take action to address instances of oppression and injustice, with a particular focus on addressing microaggressions. »

For more information and to register, please visit: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/exploring-anti-oppression-in-creative-spaces-tickets-125242031287

-from Ottawa Arts Council

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