Festival: Lake Country ArtWalk (Okanagan Valley, BC) – Artbridges

Festival: Lake Country ArtWalk (Okanagan Valley, BC)

Festival: Lake Country ArtWalk (Okanagan Valley, BC)


« Lake Country ArtWalk, the largest of its kind in the BC interior, showcases original works of art and live performances created by visual and performing artists living in the Okanagan Valley. More than 300 artists of all media are exhibiting over 3000 original works of art. The event plays host to over 7000 visitors.

When: Saturday & Sunday, September 7 & 8, 10am-5pm
Where: Lake Country Community Complex
10241 Bottomwood Lake Rd, Lake Country, BC
Price: Only a Toonie ($2)

Proceeds from ArtWalk go to supporting the arts in our community.
Artwalk is truly a community event with many volunteers working hard to make this festival happen, and with community groups contributing in numerous ways. »

– Sharon McCoubrey, Lake Country Art Walk

To read other ArtBridges’ posts about Lake Country Art Walk, please click here.
See ArtBridges’ Google map for contact info.

For ArtBridges/ToileDesArts sponsorship opportunities: Simon Constam, Sponsorship Director, simon@artbridges.ca, 905-537-7227
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