Profile: Focus on Nature

Profile: Focus on Nature




community served: Children

arts focus: Photography

location: Guelph, Ontario

by Charlotte

« Inspiring children to explore and appreciate nature through photography »

« Focus on Nature is an educational program that uses photography to connect children to nature, and to engage them in learning.  » (from web)

Photo taken By Charlotte


I met with Shirley Hunt in October. She is founder and director of a project called Focus on Nature. Working with a team of professional photographers and teachers, Shirley (a social worker by trade) brings this arts-ecology program into schools to reach kids who might not otherwise have opportunities for specialized arts instruction or nature experience.

With the goal of engaging kids in learning through nature photography, the kids are given cameras to use, taught the creative elements of photography, and taken on photography field trips to explore and document local natural environments. The beauty of the cameras is that they inspire these young people to go outside, and to look at nature in a different way, up close and with eyes wide open. The learning and connecting that comes from this new perspective has been really exciting for Shirley and her team to watch unfold.

As the program has evolved, efforts have been made to target schools deemed « higher need ». Community response has been excellent so far with student work featured in local newspapers and art exhibits, and alliances formed with businesses and schools.

– Seanna


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