Forum On Canadian Muslim Representation in the Arts by Silk Road Institute – Artbridges

Forum On Canadian Muslim Representation in the Arts by Silk Road Institute

Forum On Canadian Muslim Representation in the Arts by Silk Road Institute

« The forum will expand on some of the work being done at the Silk Road Institute as well as work being done in the broader arts community.

Silk Road Institute is hosting an in-person and virtual forum with the support of the Department of Canadian Heritage, and presented with the Michaëlle Jean Foundation and Centaur Theatre, to foster dialogue about the challenges facing Muslim and under-represented communities in the arts sector, and explore opportunities for increased youth engagement in the arts sector.

Join us at Centaur Theatre on March 30th for an afternoon of discussion and networking.

1:30 PM – Opening Remarks: Silk Road Institute, Michaëlle Jean Foundation, and Centaur Theatre.

2:00 PM – Youth Visions: Keeping eyes on the future of youth leadership in the performing arts.

As a growing arts organization, Silk Roads Institute prioritizes the work, expressions, and interests of the youth in our community. We are committed to increasing opportunities given to youth that allow them to become more active in their community and in extracurricular activities, while creating lifelong skills. Through leadership learning, youth experience the transformative power of creativity, and gain a deepened belief in their own capacity to learn, take risks, persist and achieve.

Speakers: Jessica Abdallah, Iman Nakhala.
Moderator: Ahsan Moghul
3:00 PM – Beyond Representation: Expanding Authentic Muslim Storytelling

Equity means more than representation; we must also look deeper, at the structures themselves which keep us siloed, and the functioning of social, cultural and economic power when it comes to changing the shape of the arts industry. The artists and panelists in this conversation will speak to their experiences in pushing beyond the tropes of representation and the work that still needs to be done at a structural and policy-level to achieve true inclusion and equity within the arts sector.

Speakers: Tendisai Cromwell, Uzma Jalaluddin.
Moderator: Mohamed Shaheen
4:00PM – Reception »

For more information, please visit:

-from Silk Road Institute

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