FOUR LANDS of WINNIPEG, Jan. 12 to 20, 2018
Created & Produced by Jumblies Theatre
In partnership with Creative Manitoba & the Edge Gallery and Urban Arts Centre
« How can we learn more about the places we live? What is available to the senses and what has to be reached through memory, history and imagination? How do different people sharing the same land experience it differently? Four Lands is a travelling project from Toronto-based Jumblies Theatre that explores these questions with local artists and residents. Mixing of visual arts, words, music and movement, we bring to life imaginary miniature worlds: Goodland, Badland, Lostland, and Dreamland.
For one week, Four Lands will reside at Winnipeg’s Edge Gallery and Urban Arts Centre. Here we will build an evolving and interactive gallery, as well as take activities out to community groups. The week will culminate with a Saturday exhibition, short performances, light refreshments and hands-on art activities.
Four Lands reminds us that how we experience a place depends on many things: culture, age, work, wealth, health, pastimes, relationships, histories and life experiences. This project offers fun and accessible ways to enter into complex questions and spark thought, conversation, curiosity and understanding across differing and converging perspectives.
Four Lands has so far visited Northern Ontario, the Ottawa Valley, Vancouver, Nova Scotia, Toronto, Saskatchewan, and will be travelling to Montreal and Mississauga later this winter.
Project Opening Ceremony:
with Albert McLeod
Creative Manitoba
Sacred Circle
4th floor, 245 McDermot Avenue
Friday Jan. 12 4:00 to 5:30 pm
Artmaking Drop-ins:
Edge Gallery and Urban Arts Centre
611 Main Street
Tuesday Jan. 16 – Friday Jan. 19,
2:00 to 5:00pm
Tuesday Jan. 16 – Friday Jan. 19,
6:30 to 8:30pm
Finale Presentation:
Edge Gallery and Urban Arts Centre
611 Main Street
Saturday Jan. 20, 2:00 to 5:00pm
Free, everyone welcome!
Artists: from Toronto: Ruth Howard, Adrienne Marcus Raja; from Winnipeg: Lindsey Bond, Kelly Campbell, Darla Contois, Braiden Houle, René Joshi Sims, Ted Longbottom &others.
Funders: Canada Council for the Arts, Ontario Arts Council
To find out more about the project and how to take part, please visit jumbliestheatre.org »
-submitted by Creative Manitoba
photo by Elizabeth Lott