Friday Morning Coffee: ArtBridges Needs Assessment Survey – Artbridges

Friday Morning Coffee: ArtBridges Needs Assessment Survey

Friday Morning Coffee: ArtBridges Needs Assessment Survey

photo credit: nyuszika; design: lisa, artbridges

ArtBridging Ontario Researcher, Maxine Sidran, shares valuable feedback from her recent Ontario-wide survey to community-engaged arts initiatives that have been previously profiled on the ArtBridges/ToileDesArts network:

“I spoke with 39 of the 132 English-speaking community-engaged arts organizations in the ArtBridges network (30%). My initial approach told them we were looking for input regarding their major challenges and how they might be able to help other groups meet their own challenges.

Although they were told that the survey would take only 15-20 minutes, many of the interviews ran to half an hour or more, with people happy to talk about their pride in their organizations and their people’s commitment to its goals. They knew the road was hard, but they believed it was worth it, and they were aware of the wide variety of obstacles that stood in their way.

Funding was by far the biggest concern (21 comments), followed by Time (12 comments). Most of these organizations are run by only one or two full-time staff (the number I heard a lot was one full time and one part-time staff). Many spoke about the difficulty of finding appropriate granting organizations and having the time or expertise to follow up on them.

There was an interest in collaboration, but time, staff and financial constraints often got in the way. It is clear that we are a community of givers at heart and are looking for ways to make sharing and cooperation possible.

The smallest groups were proud of the ways they had been able to create something with nothing (bartering, trading, etc.) and had adopted the attitude that there was often a solution if you think outside the box.

Comments on the need for funding:
“Funding, funding, funding! Those are our top three needs”… “Public funding is drying up, both provincially and federally, and there are more groups vying for it”… “We know where the funding is and how to write the proposals, but there is not enough time to do it”…”An “incubation tank” is needed. Granters want you to have a developed idea. We need help learning what that looks like”…

Comments on the need for volunteers:
“Growth depends on volunteers…How do you get people who are right for you, and how do you manage them?”… “It’s always a scramble. There’s a need for continuity.”

Comments on the need for space:
“It is holding back growth”… “We’re a little squished here”… “Our space issues are precarious”… “We keep small purposely, because space for programs is limited.”… “We have to turn people away every week so it’s difficult to dream.”

Comments on the need for Board Members:
“A universal challenge. Board members need to really “get” what their job is and not “buy into” the roadblocks that funders throw up.”… “Lawyers are necessary on a Board, because they cut through to the heart of a problem and are well connected and solution-focussed”… “Board members with financial expertise”…”We want to see a PR person, accountant, lawyer and community members there”.

Comments on increased profile, promotion, etc.:
“We have no advertising. It’s all word of mouth”… “We need a publicist who knows mainstream promotion”… “How do you convey and present youth artists as talent and not just at-risk youth”… “We have lots of supporters, but we are preaching to the choir”…

Comments on the need for partnering and collaboration:
“We worry that partnerships might skew us away from our mission”…”We try to facilitate partnerships but it is difficult and challenging”… “If we do partner, we have to keep our core issues strong”…”We want to develop a wider creative community locally”… “We’re interested in partnering across sectors.”

Comments on sharing resources with others:
11 groups would share resources if they could “afford” it or would receive money/assistance in exchange.
“I try my best to answer “how to” questions from beginning arts organizations, but I find that when the younger group finally gets themselves together, the grant money goes to them.”… “Some administrators have the attitude, “We did it on our own, so you go do it yourself, too.””… “I believe grant applications should have lines for money to cover the cost of “sharing ideas.””… “We’re stretched beyond stretched.”… “We can share information on how to operate outside the cash economy and finding alternate ways to get resources without funding. I want to dispel the assumption that without money you can’t do what you want”… “I feel there is a dynamic opportunity in collaborating with other organizations. Different mandates can come together”… “Can see this happening as a Skype call-in.””

Maxine Sidran, ArtBridging Ontario Researcher
May 4, 2013

photo credit : nyuszika (sxc)

For ArtBridges/ToileDesArts sponsorship opportunities: Simon Constam, Sponsorship Director,, 905-537-7227
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