Friday Morning Tea: Sharing learning and resources amongst community engaged arts initiatives

Friday Morning Tea: Sharing learning and resources amongst community engaged arts initiatives

by Skye Louis, ArtBridges

“If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it.” –Margaret Fuller

At ArtBridges/ToileDesArts we are currently developing an online learning & resource portal that will be a feature of our new website. The resource portal will connect community engaged arts groups to helpful tools and information developed by others. If you have developed resources or documents in the course of your work, it’s likely that these could be useful to others as well! We can share resources by providing a link to the document on your website, or we can upload the resource to the ArtBridges library. Either way, all contributors will be provided with full credit and a website link. 

Skye Louis, ArtBridging Ontario Resource Developer writes:

“As we all know too well, most arts groups are cash strapped and under-resourced. Despite this frustrating reality, I have been surprised and inspired time and again by the generosity of the people who work so hard to support arts and cultural activities across our nation.  The ArtBridging Ontario project has been no exception. Since October, I have been working with the ArtBridges / ToileDesArts crew on this pilot research project. When this concludes, we’ll expand the work beyond Ontario and reach other provinces and territories.

Through ArtBridging Ontario, we have been connecting with cultural leaders across the province in order to find out more about what they are working on, and how they might be able to share their learnings with others through the ArtBridges / ToileDesArts platform. This is where the generosity comes in.

Learning comes with its own costs. There is often a temptation to keep your hard-won knowledge and understanding to yourself. That way, the cost of your learning can be balanced out by the advantages you gain by staying ahead of your competition. In a larger context, this kind of competitiveness can help an individual for a short time, but over the long haul it doesn’t always pay off for the collective.

Limited resources can lead to increased competitiveness. Yet, throughout the ArtBridging Ontario pilot, I have seen groups reject that approach, and instead step forward to share what they have with open hands and hearts. This willingness to share is not just inspiring; it demonstrates wisdom and forethought. If we share what we learn with one another, we can take the next step forward together. In my eyes, this captures the spirit of what ArtBridges / ToileDesArts is all about.

My personal vision for the redesigned ArtBridges / ToileDesArts site is that we are building a virtual hearth around which we can all gather to share stories, concerns, resources, and understanding. In just a few short months, we have gathered many helpful toolkits, templates, and other resources. It’s a great start, and now we need to keep feeding the flames.

To keep the fire going, we need to strengthen our habit of sharing. So the next time you are pulling together program ideas, working on a new policy, reflecting on a recent project, and scratching your head about where to start, please keep ArtBridges / ToileDesArts in mind. Get in touch to let us know what you’re working on. If we don’t have what you’re looking for, someone else might. We can help you find them. And more than likely, they’ll be willing to share.

The ArtBridging Ontario Project pilot study was made possible by the Ontario Trillium Foundation. We’ll be continuing our research into the supports and resources that have been created by you through your work. If you have something to share, or are looking for a particular resource, please let us know! You can reach me at or call us toll-free at 1-877-278-3002. »

– Skye Louis, ArtBridging Ontario Resource Developer

Photo provided by Skye Louis
For ArtBridges/ToileDesArts sponsorship opportunities: Simon Constam, Sponsorship Director,, 905-537-7227
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