Groundstory: roundtables addressing the affects of gentrification on the arts in Ontario

Groundstory: roundtables addressing the affects of gentrification on the arts in Ontario

« Are you concerned about loss of affordable spaces for the arts in rapidly gentrifying neighbourhoods across Canada?

Groundstory is a cross-sectoral effort to identify and address the effects of gentrification on the arts in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, and across Canada through a deep commitment to shared learning online.

Facilitated by ArtsPond with generous funding from Ontario Trillium Foundation, upcoming activities include Round the Block public roundtables in Toronto (May 3) and Hamilton (May 7). At these free events, vulnerable arts and culture workers impacted by the lack or loss of affordable and accessible spaces and housing are invited to share their perspectives in an open community dialogue. The stories and evidence gathered will be used to help determine specific interventions to take place in subsequent stages. Additional roundtables are also in the works for other communities across the GTHA throughout 2018.

Visit for more details and to RSVP. »

-submitted by Groundstory

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