gruntCraft: Call for Youth & Volunteers for a Virtual Art Studio for Young Artists (Vancouver) – Artbridges

gruntCraft: Call for Youth & Volunteers for a Virtual Art Studio for Young Artists (Vancouver)

gruntCraft: Call for Youth & Volunteers for a Virtual Art Studio for Young Artists (Vancouver)


« About the Project:
gruntCraft is a visual arts based, youth engagement project, managed by Vancouver’s grunt gallery. The project’s goal is to develop a virtual art studio, in Minecraft, for youth participants. The studio program includes 3D printing workshops, mentorship and feedback from professional artists, and open house events in grunt gallery’s media lab. The project will run from July to December 2014. Follow the development of the virtual studio on gruntCraft’s YouTube channel and get project news at

What is MineCraft?
Minecraft is a “sandbox” game, meaning it provides the user with a set of creative tools, rather than a narrative or goal based game. Users create a virtual 3D world pixel by pixel. This game is easy to learn but it also has an expanding capacity for building complex objects. It is incredibly popular across the world, users can work independently or in a collaborative environment.

Looking for Youth Participants:
gruntCraft is looking for youth artists from ages 11-18. This project is a fantastic opportunity for young artists who want to explore and learn minecraft. Youth that are adept at video games and are familiar with minecraft are also encouraged to participate; they will find new ways of playing with their favourite game and working in this imaginative environment. Please email Demian at for more information about applying to this program

Youth Studio Members:
– Will have a voice in studio policy decisions
– Have their work documented on the YouTube channel
– Be supported in their projects through feedback from professional artists
– Be eligible to register for 3D printing workshops (Dates TBD)
– Be invited to participate in open house events at grunt gallery (Dates TBD)

Guest Artists:
– Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun
– Igor Santizo
– Jeremy Bailey
– Erica Stocking
– Allison Hrabluik

Looking for Volunteers:
Are you interested in learning and taking part in minecraft? Do you have a background in youth work? Maybe you have an interest in architecture, mapping or collaborative learning environments? Or perhaps you’re an adept minecraft player and can lend your expertise as an online guide?

We are looking for both online and in person volunteers for various aspects of this project:
– In-person volunteers to help facilitate open house events and artist studio workshops.
– Online volunteers to help develop and promote the virtual studio.

Feel free to check out the studio server at: If you would like to get involved as a volunteer please contact Demian at for more information.

Visit for more info. »

Connect with gruntCraft on Facebook

Posted with permission from Karlene Harvey, grunt gallery
Read grunt gallery’s profile on ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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