Happy New Year! – Artbridges

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

photo by Kris Arnold (wka, flickr)

Happy New Year to ArtBridges/ToileDesArts friends, community partners, contributors, Members and readers!

We’re slowly getting back into the business of running ArtBridges in this first icy patch of January, after staff took some much needed time off over the holidays. Indeed, within our group, there has been a birth, the death of a relative, strep throat, a move, travel and just the simple quest of everyone trying to keep warm! Please bear with us as we trickle back into the office to renew and strengthen project goals and activities for this season and beyond.

We are immensely grateful to ring in the New Year with wonderful new support from the J.W. McConnell Family Foundation. This valuable support—for over the next three years—will help us with essential project costs and enable ArtBridges to really grow as an effective, relevant and useful network that can make a difference in communities across Canada. But, none of this growth will happen without contributions and input—from our community partners, friends, and you!—about what’s going on, resources and stories to share about this growing field of community-engaged arts across Canada.

Wishing you all a great start to the new year, as well as health, happiness and warmth!

-Seanna Connell, Project Director, on behalf of ArtBridges/ToileDesArts

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