Harmonize – An ImagineNATIVE Mentorship – Artbridges

Harmonize – An ImagineNATIVE Mentorship

Harmonize – An ImagineNATIVE Mentorship

Deadline: December 14, 2020

« Harmonize is the imagineNATIVE/Slaight Bullseye Prize reimagined to connect Indigenous musicians with the screen industry and foster collaboration between musicians and filmmakers.

Harmonize, supported by Slaight, is a networking and mentorship opportunity for a Toronto-based Indigenous musician at any stage of their career who is interested in pursuing composition for film & television while working on their own project(s). 

Harmonize is approximately one year in length, running from January to December 2021. It includes sessions with industry professionals who work at the intersection of film & music, networking opportunities to connect with filmmakers and other musicians, in-kind studio time from Bedtracks to professionally record and mix their own track, and consultation with Indigenous-music catalogue Nagamo. 

This opportunity will culminate with $10,000 towards a project, determined by imagineNATIVE staff and the recipient, that combines music and the screen, ex. a music video, composing the score for a short film.

Scheduling of sessions will be determined with the recipient to accommodate their schedule. »

For more information, please visit: https://imaginenative.org/harmonize

-from ImagineNATIVE

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