Interactive art programs with seniors: Hello In There, Hello Out There (Common Weal Community Arts, SK)

Interactive art programs with seniors: Hello In There, Hello Out There (Common Weal Community Arts, SK)


« The enormous success of interactive art programs with senior citizens with Hello In There continues! In addition to mentoring two seniors care home facility partners in the creation of their own in-house art programs, Project artists Chrystene Ells and Rowan Pantel are currently in the planning stage of working with two new Regina seniors care homes in 2015. »


commonweal-logoHello In There, Hello Out There has been chosen by OSAC (Organization of Saskatchewan Arts Councils) as one of their provincial touring exhibitions. Fifteen artworks created by senior citizens through the program will travel throughout the province, and will be presented in over thirteen Saskatchewan communities, beginning April, 2015. Project Artists Chrystene Ells and/or Rowan Pantel will accompany the tour, giving presentations and workshops in each community, in order to fully explain this moving and powerful program, and offer assistance and mentorship to community groups, artists and individuals who may be interested in facilitating their own community seniors art projects.

In addition, we are in process of creating a book comprised of photographs of the artworks and accompanying narratives created in the Hello In There project, which will accompany the tour, and will be available at no cost at the various exhibitions hosted during the OSAC tour. »

-from Common Weal newsletter
Read Common Weal Community Arts’ profile in ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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