Help Support the Regent Park School of Music with Your Own Salon Night (Toronto)

Help Support the Regent Park School of Music with Your Own Salon Night (Toronto)

RPSM_logoRegent Park School of Music offers « quality, subsidized music lessons to the youth-in-need from Regent Park and other areas of the City of Toronto since 1999. » Please read Richard’s message below to find out about how you can support Regent Park School of Music!

« To all of my musician friends & colleagues,

As many of you may know, for the last two years, I’ve been investing a lot of my time and passion into an incredible initiative, the Regent Park School of Music (

RPSM currently offers highly-subsidized music lessons to over 650 youth-in-need from Regent Park and other areas of the City of Toronto. Our goal is to reach 3000 students by 2015. RPSM is a not-for-profit organization and registered charity, and we rely on the goodwill of musicians like yourself to help us reach this ambitious goal.

I’m sending you out a Salon Night template, in hopes that you might consider supporting the Regent Park School of Music in a unique way. You could either choose to throw a salon night in your own home, or a venue of your choice.

Musicians work so hard to help forge healthy communities, and I kindly ask you to consider extending your generosity in donating the proceeds from one of your annual concerts to the Regent Park School of Music. I’m sure you will agree that access to music education is something all children deserve.

I would appreciate it if you could please take a few minutes, and forward this note to your peers.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to be in touch with me.

And thanks in advance, for believing in this project! »

Please read Regent Park School of Music’s Backgrounder for 2012.

-submitted Richard A. Marsella, M.Mus.,  Director, Regent Park School of Music

Read ArtBridges’ profile on Regent Park School of Music.
Please see ArtBridges Google map for more information.

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