9th Annual Human Rights Film Festival (Dec 3-10)

9th Annual Human Rights Film Festival (Dec 3-10)

« What does it mean to give a sh*t? It means you’re fired up. It means you’re angry. But most importantly, it means you care. To give a sh*t means you won’t stand by while human rights abuses continue locally and around the globe. You want to learn more. You want to do something.—You can do something.

From December 3 – 10, join us for a week of social justice focused art, film, workshops, and more. Learn about important issues. Connect with the HRFF+ community. Join the conversation. Together, we can create a better future for everyone.

This December, join us for the 9th Annual Human Rights Film Festival.
Show up. Give a sh*t.

About JAYU

JAYU is a registered Canadian charity and a leader in the space where the arts and human rights intersect.

We believe strongly that the arts provide the strongest platform to share human rights stories. The arts can be used to educate, to build empathy, to heal, to forge community and to inspire the kinds of conversations necessary to reimagine a more just and equitable world. »

For more information, please visit: https://www.hrff.ca/

-from JAYU

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