The IN-Justice Equity Training Intensive (Calgary) – Artbridges

The IN-Justice Equity Training Intensive (Calgary)

The IN-Justice Equity Training Intensive (Calgary)


« Stage Left Productions, Third Way Theatre and Chromatic Theatre invite diverse agents of change to join us in an innovative, arts-based training intensive in equity intervention.

August 1 – 6, 2016
Calgary, AB Canada

$300 if registered before July 1; $350 thereafter (sliding scale & barters are available)

The IN-Justice Equity Training Intensive offers a rare and dynamic opportunity to recharge our passions, increase our capacity and strengthen our resolve.

This one-time only, open registration intensive…

  • Immerses participants in Theatre of the Oppressed methods, as a unique form of embodied learning and sharing – one that equalizes the power imbalances that often stymie cross-cultural collaboration.
  • Introduces a foundational equity framework that centers the bottom-up, earned knowledge of diverse peoples, results in a shared vocabulary and analysis, and offers up practical tools for confronting inequity.
  • Provides accessible, step-by-step instruction in many Theatre of the Oppressed methods, including Image & Forum Theatre, Cops in the Head and Rainbow of Desire.
  • Offers-up many practical applications on how to integrate Theatre of the Oppressed techniques and anti-oppressive practice into social justice initiatives.
  • Attends to internal and external oppressions, as well as individual agency and structural-level interventions.
  • Equips diverse agents of change to engage in intercultural solidarity, develop shared interests, and make collective impact.

For more information and to register, please visit:

This IN-Justice Equity Intensive is part of The Arts ExCHANGE Project. Arts ExCHANGE is a unique, cross-continental collaboration between Stage Left Productions (Canada) and Third Way Theatre (Australia): Two renown Theatre of the Oppressed companies founded and led by diverse women – who invite daring agents of change to go beyond the social justice status quo.

The Calgary intensive is proudly hosted The Calgary Congress for Equity & Diversity in the Arts and The University of Calgary’s School for Creative and Performing Arts.

We thank the Canada Council’s Equity Office and Calgary Arts Development for their support. »

-submittted by Stage Left Productions

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