Indigenous Curatorial Residency, Deadline April 23 (Winnipeg) – Artbridges

Indigenous Curatorial Residency, Deadline April 23 (Winnipeg)

Indigenous Curatorial Residency, Deadline April 23 (Winnipeg)


In partnership with the Aboriginal Curatorial Collective and with the generous support of the Winnipeg Foundation, aceartinc. has created an Indigenous Curator Residency.

We are inviting applications from indigenous curators wishing to exhibit contemporary artists working in any medium. The curator will be selected by a jury made up of 2 ace staff/board members and 2 members of the ACC board.

The curator will undertake a 6 month residency within aceartinc. from August 2015- January 2016 to work on a specific exhibition. The end of the residency will culminate in the exhibition being mounted in the Main Gallery in January 2016.

The Residency
During the residency the curator will be based in Winnipeg and given a desk in the aceartinc. office where you will receive support from the Co-Directors and board of the ACC on a day-to-day basis as well as via monthly meetings. During the residency the curator will complete an essay, organize, and mount the exhibition, undertake studio visits with local artists and deliver a public talk.

ace will provide administrative support in terms of office space, free access to our resources, internet and telephone, installation guidance, technical assistance, and introductions into our networks and community. We will also publish your essay and promote the exhibition.

Residency dates: 1 August 2015 – 31 January 2016
Deadline: 4pm, 23 April 2015

Posted with permission from Hannah Godfrey, aceartinc.
Read aceartinc.’s profile on ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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