Indigenous Roots of Expressive Arts Therapy: Conference (Winnipeg) – Artbridges

Indigenous Roots of Expressive Arts Therapy: Conference (Winnipeg)

Indigenous Roots of Expressive Arts Therapy: Conference (Winnipeg)

International Expressive Arts Therapy Association (IEATA) Conference

« This year’s conference theme is Indigenous Roots of Expressive Arts Therapy in Winnipeg, Manitoba October 4 – 8, 2017. Early bird registration was extended until July 31st. We are also pleased to offer discounted rates for students, seniors, artists, and Indigenous community members, in addition to hosting Indigenous Elders at no cost. Please visit to register. You can also find further information on all the workshops and 80 + presenters who are participating.

In addition, we are excited to announce the conference’s evening event programming here. Individual tickets can be purchased for some of these events. WHEAT will also be hosting Art Hives travelling community art exhibit on Truth & Reconciliation during this time at our studio in the exchange district. Dates this exhibit will be open to the public will be announced soon! »

-submitted by WHEAT Institute

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