JAM Community Art Project: The Shingle Shelter Project (Sheet Harbour, NS) – Artbridges

JAM Community Art Project: The Shingle Shelter Project (Sheet Harbour, NS)

JAM Community Art Project: The Shingle Shelter Project (Sheet Harbour, NS)


photos from JAM Community Art blog

The Shingle Shelter Project

« The Shingle Shelter Project involved the community of Sheet Harbour and surrounding villages along the eastern shore of Nova Scotia.  The idea evolved out of a desire to showcase artistic talent, and to share something personal about themselves with the larger community.  450 shingles were created.  The local art association (STAA) funded the materials, local business helped with the distribution of materials, and members of the community planned and built the shelter.  An Art Park was created on the edge of town in order to display the shingle house and sculpture by local artists. »



– posted with permission from Julie Adamson Miller, JAM Community Art

Read JAM Community Art Project’s profile here.
Please see ArtBridge’s Google Map for contact information.

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