Job Opportunity: ArtBridges/ToileDesArts Francophone Community-Engaged Arts Coordinator

Job Opportunity: ArtBridges/ToileDesArts Francophone Community-Engaged Arts Coordinator


Job Opportunity:
ArtBridges/ToileDesArts Francophone Community-Engaged Arts Coordinator

About: ArtBridges/ToileDesArts is a unique, emerging and free Canada-wide hub for community-engaged arts initiatives. ArtBridges informs and connects people about community-engaged arts in Canada and the benefits of arts for social change. ArtBridges/ToileDesArts’ ultimate objective is to help improve access to arts and art-making for Canadians living in remote, under-resourced and under-serviced communities. ArtBridges/ToileDesArts is a Project of Tides Canada Initiatives Society.

Job Description and Responsibilities:

  • Engage and promote Francophone and bilingual community-engaged arts & arts for social change initiatives across Canada.
  • Be ToileDesArts’ Francophone representative and primary contact.
  • Reach out and communicate with community-engaged arts initiatives that are based in Francophone communities across Canada and develop and enhance community partnerships with them.
  • Invite initiatives to submit an organizational profile for the ToileDesArts network (if they haven’t already) and set up profiles for the network; or, ask if their contact info has changed.
  • Tell community partners about ToileDesArts’ new website and how they can use the new sections: Community Blog, Classifieds, Events, Map & Profile Directory, Learning & Resources, Membership
  • Ask people to share their initiatives’ highlights, opportunities, workshops, events, pictures, videos, news, festival activities, or needs, on the ToileDesArts website and network.
  • Ask our community partners how we can help them and be of service — via connecting them with others and to needed resources
  • Facilitate social media engagement in FR with community-engaged arts initiatives in Canada
  • Participate in ToileDesArts’ project development and growth, and collaborate with other project staff and consultants as needed.
  • Work with ArtBridges/ToileDesArts team at the office.

Competencies and Requirements:

  • A passion for the arts and an ability to communicate the value of access to arts in Canadian communities.
  • Fluency in French; bilingual (FR/EN).
  • Completed, or in the process of completing a university or college degree, or equivalent.
  • Motivated and friendly with excellent verbal communication on telephone and by email.
  • Demonstrated ability as a relationship builder and to work both independently and as a team player.
  • Organized, detail-oriented with exceptional follow-through.

Time required and compensation:

  • P/T: Once a week for 7 hours @ $20/hr
  • We can accommodate a student’s or p/t employee’s schedule
  • Start date: April 2nd/14

Please contact ArtBridges/ToileDesArts’ Project Director, Seanna Connell by email: to submit your resume by March 31st/14.

ArtBridges/ToileDesArts: Office: 2006 Queen St. E. 3rd Floor, Toronto, ON, M4L 1J3; Phone: 416-691-7777
Charitable Registration Number of Tides Canada Initiatives Society: BN 130560188RR0001

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