Jumblies Studio – Essays by Artists: Out of Place, Issue 2 – Artbridges

Jumblies Studio – Essays by Artists: Out of Place, Issue 2

Jumblies Studio – Essays by Artists: Out of Place, Issue 2

« We are proud to announce the publication of Out Of Place, Issue 2: our second collection of essays by artists associated with our Jumblies Studio activities and events. This issue contains writings by Mindy Stricke (about her work with new mothers and photography on the Welcome to Motherland project), Leah Houston (about community arts and feminism), Lisa Marie DiLiberto (about working in clown and humour), Chris Wilson (about his experience as a musician in community-based theatre), and Ruth Howard (about a Jumblies research project with Nightswimming Theatre). Photos by Mindy Stricke and Katherine Fleitas are featured, and layout is by up-and-coming young film-maker and Jumblies board member, Yonah Lewis.

You can order a print copy for $12 (including postage) or download the pdf for $5 on our website at: http://www.jumbliestheatre.org/newsroom/store.

You can also get a copy of the first issue if you didn’t get it before (with essays by: Liz Rucker, Eric Schwindt, Diana Tso, Maggie Hutcheson, and Michael Burtt).

Please considering supporting Jumblies buy getting your copy, enjoy the reading and send us any comments, feedback and suggestions for future issues. »

-submitted by Ruth Howard, Artistic Director, Jumblies Theatre

Please read ArtBridges’ Jumblies Profile.
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