Labour Arts Manual: MAKING ART WORK – Artbridges

Labour Arts Manual: MAKING ART WORK

Labour Arts Manual: MAKING ART WORK

The Workers Arts & Heritage Centre (WAHC) in Hamilton ON, recently launched the toolkit that artist Ingrid Mayrhofer made on Labour Arts across Canada.

Ingrid Mayrhofer writes on page 1:

« This manual is intended as a practical tool for artists who work in collaboration with labour/community members. The examples of projects, strategies, work plans and exercises represent a wide range of disciplines, issues and methodologies. Labour arts is a practice of activism. Whether we work on a call to action and protest, an affirmation of workers’ dignity, identity and achievements, or simply a celebration of our lives, labour arts is constantly evolving. At the centre of arts and labour collaboration are shared struggles, common goals and a spirit of solidarity. The compilation of examples in this ‘kit’ is not intended to function as a list of ‘models’ or ‘best practices.’ The projects simply offer a few ideas and tools, and confirm that creative collaboration is mutually educational, rewarding and empowering. »

You can download the manual for free here.

The manual is made available through the Workers Arts & Heritage Museum website. You can read more about the manual there.

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