How to Crip the Arts 2
November 26, 2019, 6-9 p.m.
Tangled Art & Disability, 401 Richmond St.
« Neighbourhood Arts Network and RBC Foundation present a free workshop series showcasing inspiring artists, vibrant spaces, and valuable information to help artists make new connections, increase their capacity and learn more about the arts in Toronto.
Curated by Tangled Art & Disability in How to Crip the Arts – 2, participants will have the opportunity to explore the topic of disability aesthetics. They will also have a chance to participate in an interactive workshop that will help solidify some of the concepts and ideas discussed about this topic. To participate in this workshop, participants are not required to have attended How to Crip the Arts – 1, but it is recommended. Light refreshments will be provided.
Neighbourhood Arts Network is committed to ensuring as accessible an environment as possible for all our programming/events. If you require accessibility services to attend this event, please specify in the registration form what services you need (i.e. ASL, captioning, care attendants, note taking).
Tangled Art & Disability is a not for profit art + disability organization dedicated to connecting professional and emerging artists, the arts community and a diverse public through creative passion and artistic excellence. Their mandate is to support Deaf, Mad and disability-identified artists, to cultivate Deaf, Mad and disability arts in Canada, and to enhance access to the arts for artists and audiences of all abilities. »
For more information on the workshop, facilitators and to register, please visit Neighbourhood Arts Network.
-from Neighbourhood Arts Network
Read Neighbourhood Arts Network’s profile on ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map