Living Your Best Life and Planning for the Inevitable (When We Play-Quand On Joue, Montréal) – Artbridges

Living Your Best Life and Planning for the Inevitable (When We Play-Quand On Joue, Montréal)

Living Your Best Life and Planning for the Inevitable (When We Play-Quand On Joue, Montréal)


« Living Your Best Life and Planning for the Inevitable
Date and Time: Ruby Foo’s Hotel July 8th at 7pm
7655 Decarie boulevard, Montréal, Quebec H4P 2H2
Cost: $20 at the door
Description: Come and share a night full of valuable information on how to creatively care for yourself and your loved ones.

Learn from experienced community leaders who want to help you live your best life now!

Support When We Play‘s Singing Language Program in Verdun and other creative learning projects to come!

Tickets available at the door please arrive early!
Doors open at 6:30pm »

 -submitted by When We Play-Quand On Joue
Read When We Play-Quand On Joue profile in ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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