Call for participation: MakingItWork Survey (WorkInCulture) – Artbridges

Call for participation: MakingItWork Survey (WorkInCulture)

Call for participation: MakingItWork Survey (WorkInCulture)


« WorkInCulture, working with Nordicity, has introduced the MakingItWork Survey – an in-depth look at the experiences of cultural workers, artists, and organizations in Ontario’s arts, culture, heritage and library sectors.

With MakingItWork, WorkInCulture is trying to get to the heart of what’s it’s really like to work in this sector. Whether you’re an artist, a worker at a cultural organization, a cultural organization, a library, a museum or a cultural industry company, we want to hear about opportunities and challenges that you face when dealing with topics like career growth, skills, training, hiring & retention, as well as diversity & equity.

The survey is available in both English and French, and the survey should take less than 20 minutes to complete.

Take the survey!

By participating in MakingItWork and sharing your story, you are helping WorkInCulture collect the data that will help build better programming and supports for you and the sector. Also, you will have the opportunity to enter into a draw to win a pair of tickets to the Creative Works Conference in Toronto on May 10, 2019.

Who can participate?
The MakingItWork survey is open to Ontario’s creative community as a whole, including the arts, cultural industries, heritage and library sectors. This includes:

  • Individual artists;
  • Cultural workers (whether you are self-employed or working for an organization);
  • Not-for-profit organizations serving the creative community, including arts service organizations, membership-based organizations, trade associations, etc;
  • The cultural industries, including record labels and music publishers, book and magazine publishers, film & television production companies, game studios, etc;
  • Heritage institutions, including museums, natural heritage sites, as well as their employees and professionals in the field (archaeologists, for example); and,
  • Ontario’s public library system and their employees. »

For more information, please visit:

-from WorkInCulture

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