Registration Open: Masks of Manipulation Workshop at Mixed Company Theatre in November – Artbridges

Registration Open: Masks of Manipulation Workshop at Mixed Company Theatre in November

Registration Open: Masks of Manipulation Workshop at Mixed Company Theatre in November

« Mixed Company Theatre is excited to announce that, due to popular demand, we are hosting our two-day Masks of Manipulation workshop again in November 2019!

Masks of Manipulation (November 2nd and 9th 2019, 9:30AM-5:30PM)

What happens when you take apart a single moment of conflict to explore every possible desired action?

The “Masks of Manipulation”, an invaluable character development and conflict-resolution process designed by Simon Malbogat, gives face to each of the seven different emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual manipulative forces we encounter both onstage and in daily life.

This workshop draws on Commedia dell’Arte-inspired masks to help participants acquire a deeper awareness of manipulation and oppression: how and why it happens, what it looks and feels like, and how to de-escalate it.

In this two-day workshop, participants will embody and activate their understandings of manipulation, a process which culminates in the creation of each person’s own Mask of Manipulation. Each mask then becomes a physical touchstone in processes ranging from character development to community mediation. This workshop, co-facilitated by Simon Malbogat and Peter Jarvis, is suitable for artists, educators, social workers, and community activators alike.

For more information and workshop descriptions, please visit:

20% Discount for CAEA Members, and 50% Discount for Students and Arts Workers who identify as under-waged. Bursaries also available upon request! Email communications[at] to register. »

-from Mixed Company Theatre
Read Mixed Company Theatre’s profile in ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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