A Message From Megan (ArtBridges) – Artbridges

A Message From Megan (ArtBridges)

A Message From Megan (ArtBridges)

Waaciye (greetings),

For the past year, I have had the pleasure of being a part of the ArtBridges community as the Indigenous Community Outreach Coordinator and Programs Assistant. I have spent time with many of you, sharing laughs and wonderful stories while on site visits, and have thoroughly enjoyed my time learning about the beautiful communities that artists (leaders, visionaries and powerhouses alike) have gathered together. It has been an eye opening experience that I will hold close to my heart as I depart from ArtBridges to focus on my health and my studies at OCAD University.

Kihci miikwec to all of you for sharing your time and work with me, and I wish you all the best.

Yours in community,

Megan Feheley

Image: Ahkik,
Illustration, Megan Feheley

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