« Toronto Arts Council’s Newcomer and Refugee Artist Mentorship program was created to:
- provide support for newcomer and refugee artists to develop their artistic practice;
- support the integration and inclusion of newcomer and refugee artists to Toronto
We define a newcomer as: an immigrant or refugee who has lived in Canada for less than 7 years; a refugee is a person who was forced to leave their home country and is now located in Canada.
The program provides funding for individual newcomer and refugee professional* artists to be mentored (guided) in their chosen arts discipline.
The mentorship application is submitted by the newcomer artist with the mentor as the co-applicant. Both the applicant and the mentor must identify as professional* artists.
*A professional artist is:
- someone who has developed their artistic skills through training and/or practice;
- is recognized as a professional by other artists working in the same artistic tradition;
- actively practices his or her art;
- seeks payment for her/his work;
- and has a history of public presentation
If you are a newcomer or refugee artist and you need help finding a mentor or accessing translation services, please contact Rupal Shah by March 31, 2019.
The total grant is $10,000.
- $5,000 is paid directly to the newcomer or refugee artist
- $5,000 is paid directly to the mentor. »
For more information, please visit Toronto Arts Council’s website
-from Toronto Arts Council