« Join us as we celebrate Newcomer Week from May 22-27, 2023.
Newcomer Week is an annual event organized by NAN along with the City of Toronto, ImagineNative, Doris McCarthy Gallery, Muse Arts and Toronto Arts Council,, to welcome and celebrate newcomers in Toronto.
Throughout the week, there will be a variety of events and activities taking place across the city, including cultural festivals, workshops, and networking events. These events are designed to help newcomers settle into their new home, connect with their community, and build new relationships.
Whether you’re a newcomer yourself or have been living in Toronto for years, there’s something for everyone during Newcomer Week. Join us as we come together as a community to show our support for those who are starting a new life in our city. Participate in the Newcomer Week for a chance to learn about different cultures, make new friends, and celebrate the diversity of our incredible city. »
For more information, please visit: https://neighbourhoodartsnetwork.org/programs/newcomer-week