Nominate an Arts Leader/Artist for the OAC’s Aboriginal Arts Award! Deadline Feb.18 (ON) – Artbridges

Nominate an Arts Leader/Artist for the OAC’s Aboriginal Arts Award! Deadline Feb.18 (ON)

Nominate an Arts Leader/Artist for the OAC’s Aboriginal Arts Award! Deadline Feb.18 (ON)

« January 13, 2015 – The Ontario Arts Council (OAC) invites you to nominate an Aboriginal artist or arts leader for the Ontario Arts Council Aboriginal Arts Award.

The nomination deadline is Wednesday, February 18, 2015.

About the Ontario Arts Council Aboriginal Arts Award:
– The annual award honours outstanding achievements and the distinguished career of an Aboriginal artist or arts leader in Ontario.
– The winner receives a $10,000 award and is invited to nominate an emerging Aboriginal artist who best exemplifies the next generation of Aboriginal leadership in the arts. The nominated emerging artist receives a $2,500 award.

Who is eligible for this award?
– Ontario-based professional Aboriginal artists and arts leaders.
– Nominees can work in all customary/traditional and/or contemporary art practices: craft, dance, integrated arts, literature, media arts, multidisciplinary arts, music, theatre or visual arts.

Who can submit a nomination?
– Nominations can be made by anyone, regardless of Nation or citizenship.
– Nominators can submit only one nomination at each deadline.
– Self-nominations will not be accepted.

Nominations will not be accepted from:
– members of the nominee’s immediate family (spouse or equivalent, son or daughter, parent, sibling or member of the immediate household);
– members of the nominee’s organization’s board of directors;
– or from the nominee’s employer or employees.

How to nominate a candidate:
Download the award guidelines and nomination forms for information about nominator and nominee eligibility criteria and the nomination process.
– To have a paper copy mailed to you, contact us at 416-961-1660, 1-800-387-0058 (toll-free in Ontario) or

For more information:
Carolyn Gloude, Associate Awards Officer, 416-969-7423 or 1-800-387-0058 ext. 7423,« 

Posted with permission from Carolyn Gloude, Associate Awards Officer, Ontario Arts Council

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