Nuit Blanche Calgary 2014 (Sept. 20) – Artbridges

Nuit Blanche Calgary 2014 (Sept. 20)

Nuit Blanche Calgary 2014 (Sept. 20)

Nuit Blanche Calgary« Nuit Blanche Calgary is happening on September 20, 2014 with 10 amazing time-based performance art events at Olympic and Municipal Plazas in downtown Calgary – all free to the public, from 7:00PM until 1:00AM, and you’re invited.

As you may already know, Nuit Blanche has come to signify a sunset-to-late night contemporary arts festival. The first Calgary version, on September 15, 2012, literally transformed Calgary’s Olympic Plaza and City Hall Plaza into a full-scale civic art gallery for more than 10,000 viewers for over 8 hours. The city’s downtown came alive with unforgettable live performance art produced by fantastic performance artists doing remarkable, unique installations. The inaugural production was highly successful on so many levels and we would like to elevate this level of success on a bi-annual basis, and 2014 will be the next big event.

Up close and intimate, professional and carefully considered, these performances are captivating. The NBC program is designed to inform, intrigue and inspire audiences to eventually venture out ‘en masse’ for the September, 2014 one-night only, transformative celebration of creativity. Craft and media feed innovation in the commissioning of new performance artworks for Calgary audiences as Nuit Blanche Calgary is a participatory ‘spectacle’ that remains awe-inspiring, fun and thoughtful, aiming to bring the public downtown for impromptu workshops, talks, one-off projects and seminars. » Read more here.

For more detail about Nuit Blanche Calgary and to sign up for Nuit Blanche Calgary’s newsletter, please visit To get involved or volunteer with Nuit Blanche Calgary, please see details here.

-posted with permission from Nuit Blanche Calgary

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