Odaabaanag: a work-in-progress performance (Soundstreams & Jumblies, Toronto) – Artbridges

Odaabaanag: a work-in-progress performance (Soundstreams & Jumblies, Toronto)

Odaabaanag: a work-in-progress performance (Soundstreams & Jumblies, Toronto)

Odaabaanag’s work-in-progress performance! Featuring: The Gather Round Singers!

« Odaabaanag, a collaborative project between Soundstreams and Jumblies, that bridges contemporary music, community-engaged arts and intercultural creative processes, is holding a work-in-progress performance on May 5th at The Arts & Letters Club. Join us to hear excerpts from two new inter-related works: a string quartet with audio track by Melody McKiver and the first in a cycle of songs by Beverley McKiver, performed by The Gather Round Singers community choir. Both pieces are informed by interviews with elders from the composers’ home community of Lac Seul First Nation.

May 5, 2019
The Arts & Letters Club (14 Elm St.)
PWYC at the door

Odaabaanag is a collaboration between Jumblies and Soundstreams, funded by an Ontario Trillium Foundation Seed Grant, to develop and explore collaboration across community arts and contemporary music, as well as across cultures (Indigenous and Settler/Immigrant) and regions (Toronto, Northern Ontario).

For more information, visit: https://soundstreams.ca/odaabaanag/« 

-from Soundstreams

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