Ongoing Open Call for Proposals: Community artist series (Art City, Winnipeg) – Artbridges

Ongoing Open Call for Proposals: Community artist series (Art City, Winnipeg)

Ongoing Open Call for Proposals: Community artist series (Art City, Winnipeg)


« Ongoing Open Call for Proposals: Community artist series
Art City is hiring artists who live in Winnipeg to instruct art workshops in our main studio, for the 2016 Community Artist Series. Download the guidelines and application form, here.
You can drop off your application in person, 616 Broadway, during office hours or email it to Eddie Ayoub, our artistic director, atad[at]

Do you live in one of these communities: Daniel Mac, Spence, Central Winnipeg, Transcona, Elwick, West Alexander? Art City is also looking for artists who live in these areas to lead three day workshops in one of the nine different outreach locations. Please contact Natalie Ferguson, our outreach manager, at outreach[at] »

-from Art City Inc. newsletter
Read Art City’s profile on ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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