Online Workshops: The Art Of Community (Jumblies & MABELLEarts)

Online Workshops: The Art Of Community (Jumblies & MABELLEarts)

« As we travel through these times, Jumblies, in partnership with MABELLEarts, is offering an online adaption of our Artfare Essentials workshop – now under the title ‘The Art Of Community’.

There are two choices of date and time. Each workshop includes 8 sessions, plus some choices and options for (digital) site visits and special events.

Cohort #1: 6, 6-8:30pm – Nov 20, 22, 25, 27, 29, Dec 2, 4, 6
Cohort #2: 2-4:30pm – Jan 7, 10, 12, 14, 17, 19, 21, 24

We can take up to 20 participants each time. Half the places will be reserved for newcomer artists, and the other half open to any artists and those interested in community arts, from Toronto, Ontario and beyond.

Workshops are free for all. Click here for the 2020 Application form.

If you are a Newcomer artist, click here for your application

What is it?

  • An introduction to principles and practices of arts that engage with and create community;
  • Many things you need to know to undertake your own community arts project;
  • An orientation to potential work or apprenticeship with Jumblies and Offshoots;
  • A gathering of diverse people interested in community-engaged arts;
  • A mix of presentation, discussion, art-making, site visits, and take-home resources;
  • A time to consider and discuss the joys & challenges inherent in this work;
  • An intensive, fun, thought-provoking, immersive 8-day experience. »

For more information, please visit:

-from Jumblies

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