Opportunity: Free Photography Workshop for Newcomer Youth at Gallery 44 (Toronto) – Artbridges

Opportunity: Free Photography Workshop for Newcomer Youth at Gallery 44 (Toronto)

Opportunity: Free Photography Workshop for Newcomer Youth at Gallery 44 (Toronto)


« Gallery 44 Centre for Contemporary Photography in partnership with Harmony Movement is holding a FREE six week workshop for 8 youth. This exciting program will allow you to break down existing barriers to the arts, and encourages you to develop new and positive methods of communicating your stories to others.

Youth will have the opportunity to:
• Learn how to use a manual camera; how to process film in a dark room; and how to put together a series of photos to communicate their experiences.
• Participate in group discussions, gallery tours and visits to popular downtown Toronto neighbourhoods.
• Receive 20 community service hours, as well as an opportunity for their photos to be showcased at art shows in the city.

Participation is entirely free and food and TTC tickets are provided.
Participants must be age 14-24 and they must be newcomers who have not been in Canada for longer than 10 years. The workshops will take place every Tuesday evening from 5pm until 9pm beginning on Tuesday, May 3rd. Workshops will be held at 401 Richmond Street West, Toronto. »

For more information or to apply please call Rima @ 647-886-4155 or email rdib@harmony.ca

submitted by Rima Dib, Program Officer, Harmony Movement

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