Opportunity: Program Director, Regent Park Film Festival (Toronto, Deadline: March 15, 2013)

Opportunity: Program Director, Regent Park Film Festival (Toronto, Deadline: March 15, 2013)

Regent Park Film Festival

« The Regent Park Film Festival is currently accepting applications for the position of Program  Director.  We are looking for an experienced individual who has demonstrated strengths in media arts programming, is knowledgeable in inner city issues and has knowledge and/or experience with not-for-profit organizations.  The successful candidate will add value through excellent community building and programming skills.

The successful candidate will be responsible for the following:

  • Establishing the overall programming direction for the Regent Park Film Festival, in conjunction with, and with the approval of the Executive Director and the Board
  • Developing, implement and maintain the artistic and community profile for the Regent Park Film Festival
  • Working with Executive Director to ensure that all programming adheres to the mandate and organizational priorities of the Regent Park Film Festival
  • Arranging and manage technical details of the festival’s operations
  • Assisting with the implementation of the festival’s marketing and outreach strategies
  • Contributing to the smooth administrative operations of the Festival office

Festival Programming

  • Scout and invite films to be submitted for consideration at the Regent Park Film Festival
  • Manage and build the festival’s Call For Submissions distribution
  • View all received submissions, keep records and create a short-list for the programming committee to review
  • Maintain detailed programming notes on an ongoing basis, delivering at end of year a full report (contacts, leads, research and recommendations)
  • Facilitate the work of the various programming committees as they review Festival submissions and make Festival selections
  • Provide regular reports on programming activities to the Executive Director, chair of the programming committee and/or board as required
  • Work with Executive Director to secure co-presentations
  • Organize and coordinate festival jury
  • Provide a post-Festival evaluation of programming based on consultation with programming volunteers and staff

Year-round programming

  • Program and organize year-round community screenings
  • Identify and develop new opportunities for implementing festival workshops
  • Build and maintain a library of past festival films
  • Identify and develop new partnership opportunities within Regent Park, and with other similar inner city communities


  • Arrange and manage technical and logistical details regarding venue, equipment, projectionists, etc. for the festival and year-round screenings
  • Arrange rental and negotiate fees with exhibiting artists and/or distributors
  • Oversee all venue activities as required, including all receptions, panel discussions and screenings
  • Arrange hospitality, travel, accommodation, and support for film-related guests of the Regent Park Film Festival
  • Oversee the development of the annual festival trailer
  • Assist in the coordination of the Festival’s fundraising event

 Outreach and Marketing

  • Assist in the execution of the Festival’s communications strategy
  • Represent the Festival at relevant meetings, in the Regent Park community and the city’s cultural environments
  • Participate in programming related aspects of publicity,
    i.e. conducting interviews with print, television, radio & web-based media outlets
  • Service media requests for materials and information (as needed by the Publicist);
    work with the Publicist and staff to develop PR materials, such as press releases
  • Coordinate and implement certain aspects of catalogue production including gathering photo stills and other relevant materials
  • Maintain familiarity with community events and issues relevant to the inner city


  • Prepare and submit grant requests and grant reports related to programming, including but not limited to annual Project Grants from the Toronto Arts Council, Ontario Arts Council, and Canada Arts Council
  • Support sponsor and fundraising opportunities by providing programming related input, and coordinating any programming requirements they might have (example: identifying appropriate film for the fundraising screening)


  • Develop and work within an established programming budget and timeline, and manage expenses and revenue related to programming
  • Ensure that all programming databases are up-to-date
  • Assist in overseeing the smooth operation of the office: maintaining phone and e-mail lists, database, filing, record keeping.
  • Field phone and e-mail inquiries
  • Assist with general administrative duties as needed

Skills Required:

  • Experience in media arts programming.
  • Familiarity with the not-for-profit arts sector
  • Strong oral and written communication skills
  • Highly organized, able to multitask, work under pressure and meet deadlines
  • Computer literacy (word processing, excel, email, web)
  • Knowledge and familiarity with inner city issues and context
  • An appreciation for the intersections of community building and professional arts
  • Strong problem solving skills, ability to take initiative, and work well in a team

For more information, please see RPFF’s website.

Application Information:

Please email your resume and letter of interest to careers@regentparkfilmfestival.com, Attn: Hiring Committee. Refer to Program Director in your subject line

Closing Date: March 15, 2013

All applications will be reviewed by festival staff and the Board of Directors. Only applicants selected for interviews will be contacted. Please no telephone inquiries. »

-posted with permission from Ananya Ohri, Regent Park Film Festival

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Read ArtBridges profile on Regent Park Film Festival here.
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