Owning Our Stories: A Writing Circle for South Asian Women – Artbridges

Owning Our Stories: A Writing Circle for South Asian Women

Owning Our Stories: A Writing Circle for South Asian Women

« If you’re a South Asian woman, an Ontario resident between the age of 15-65, and an aspiring writer, this call is for you!

Be a part of OWNING OUR STORIES, a free online Writing Circle led by arts educator and author, Sheniz Janmohamed. Over the course of the year, you will gain access to creative prompts, guest authors, one-on-one literary support, editing and professional advice.

Tell us how magical you are, why you would benefit from participating, and what you hope to write during the duration of the program.

The project will culminate in the creation of an online journal, where participants will have their work published (and be paid for it)! There will be 5 guest speakers/writers, all who identify as South Asian women and hold expertise in a specific form/genre. »

For more information, please visit: https://creativeusers.net/events/2534/owning-our-stories-a-writing-circle-for-south-asian-women

-from Creative Users Projects

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