Panel Discussion: Accessibility in Community Arts Programs (Arts Educators Institute, Toronto)

Panel Discussion: Accessibility in Community Arts Programs (Arts Educators Institute, Toronto)

AEI - Panel Discussion Acessibility in Community Arts

« Arts for Children and Youth (AFCY) presents:
(Workshops for Emerging Artists Working In Education)

Panel Discussion: Accessibility in Community Arts Programs
Tuesday, March 24, 2015 from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Studio 408 (4th floor)
401 Richmond Street West

This workshop will include a short presentation on the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities (AODA), followed by a dynamic panel discussion on inclusive and responsive arts programming. Join artists, teachers, art educators and professionals working in community as they explore and share strategies for accessible and equitable programs across the sector.

Light refreshments provided.
Space is limited.

To register for this workshop contact: Brittany Turner at 416-929-9314 x 109 or

Arts for Children and Youth (AFCY) is an award-winning organization whose mandate is to engage young people living in priority neighbourhoods in high-quality, accessible arts educational programs that are meaningful, relevant and collaboratively developed with community and education partners. AFCY positions arts programs in schools and neighbourhood venues as a means of building community, and empowering marginalized children and youth to reach their full potential as artists and social contributors. »

-submitted by Arts for Children and Youth
Read Arts for Children and Youth profile in ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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