Patience, Grasshopper… – Artbridges

Patience, Grasshopper…

Patience, Grasshopper…


ArtBridges has been an official project of Tides Canada Initiatives since January 29/09. Eight months old!

We have spent 6 months calling across Canada, with an extensive research list, making numerous calls across all of the provinces and territories. We’ve located over 300 community arts projects/programs/organizations/resources so far in under-resourced communities and people we have talked to really want to start connecting with each other. Patience! Like any new not-for-profit arts project it takes time to reach goals, especially in the first year! So, we’re trying to manage expectations! This autumn we’ll map out community arts projects/orgs/resources across Francophone Canada; we’re currently in the hiring process for a bilingual arts student. Job ads are out at Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD), Works in Culture and York University, on-line job boards. We’re also in the throws of applying to numerous foundations, corporations and government granting bodies, so this is what we’re doing this autumn. Patience! We can’t wait to get “ArtBridging” started!

So, please check in every once in a while as information about our progress unfolds!

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