Pitch Opportunity for Young Audience Performers (Northern Ontario)

Pitch Opportunity for Young Audience Performers (Northern Ontario)

« The Ontario Arts Council, the Department of Canadian Heritage and Ontario Presents/Ontario Contact are a hosting pitch session for Ontario-based young audience performers, taking place in St. Catharines, Ontario on September 16th, the day following Ontario Contact 2018.

6 to 8 applicants will be selected to pitch new and upcoming projects to an audience of presenters and industry professionals, from Northern Ontario and beyond. Projects from all performing arts disciplines are welcome. Successful applicants will receive professional coaching to develop their pitching skills, as well as travel support and a complimentary 1-day registration for Ontario Contact.

This project has been developed as part of the Ontario Arts Council’s commitment to increase the quality and diversity of performances available for young audiences in Northern Ontario.

All applications must be received by July 19th, 2018 to ceilidh[at]ontariopresents.ca. All applicants will be notified if their application has been successful by August 3rd, 2018.

For more information, please read the full call for applications here.
If you have questions or wish to discuss applying, you may contact Ceilidh Wood at ceilidh[at]ontariopresents.ca. »

-submitted by Ontario Presents

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