Power of the Arts National Forum: Acting Now for Social Change (Ottawa, Nov. 7-9) – Artbridges

Power of the Arts National Forum: Acting Now for Social Change (Ottawa, Nov. 7-9)

Power of the Arts National Forum: Acting Now for Social Change (Ottawa, Nov. 7-9)

Power of the Arts

« Acting Now for Social Change

You are invited to join Canadians from across the country as they converge on Ottawa from November 7 to 9, 2014 for the second edition of the
Power of the Arts National Forum: Acting Now for Social Change.

Co-hosted by the Michaëlle Jean Foundation and Carleton University’s Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, the Forum mobilizes stakeholders from across the country and from all sectors to discuss the use of the arts as tools for individual and social change.

This second edition of the Forum will focus on the ways Canadians are implementing the National Power of the Arts Action Plan developed by last year’s Forum participants and deliberate on the potential for future developments.

New stakeholders will have an opportunity to join the movement and to share their experiences and expertise in using the arts in social innovation and citizen mobilization to better the quality of life in urban, rural and Aboriginal communities. The Power of the Arts Forum features dynamic cultural performances, workshops, thematic debates and plenary sessions.

If you believe that the arts and culture are the best (peaceful) weapons of mass construction to counter apathy and callousness in this world, please join the Power of the Arts National Forum: Acting Now for Social Change. Register now!

The Ontario Trillium Foundation is an agency of the Government of Ontario »

-submitted by the Michaëlle Jean Foundation

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