Al and Malka Green Artists’ Health Centre: « a health haven for all types of artists » (Toronto) – Artbridges

Al and Malka Green Artists’ Health Centre: « a health haven for all types of artists » (Toronto)

Al and Malka Green Artists’ Health Centre: « a health haven for all types of artists » (Toronto)

Al and Malka Artists' Health Centre logo

On a recent visit to the Al and Malka Green Artists’ Health Centre, Shiatsu Therapist Leisa Bellmore, gave me a tour of the calming and inviting space, complete with original artwork. My tour included the Acoustic Studio, Movement Assessment Studio, and a massage therapy room. Located in Toronto Western Hospital, the centre is a health haven for all types of artists from dancers to painters. Their aim to help artists to keep creating their art, is fulfilled by forging connections for artists with teams of healthcare providers.

« The Al and Malka Green Artists’ Health Centre is a facility in the Family and Community Medicine Program at the Toronto Western Hospital. The Centre’s inter-professional team offers both medical and complementary care to professional creative and performing artists, and to students and staff at post-secondary arts institutions. The Centre’s mandate includes research, education, and outreach to the arts community. »

To read the rest of Al and Malka Green Artists’ Health Centre’s profile, please click here.

–by Sonya Young Outreach Coordinator, ArtBridges

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