Profile Highlight: Pointe-Saint-Charles Art School (Montréal) – Artbridges

Profile Highlight: Pointe-Saint-Charles Art School (Montréal)

Profile Highlight: Pointe-Saint-Charles Art School (Montréal)

As ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory grows, we realize that it’s a bit overwhelming to read through all of the profiles. We’re hoping that by occasionally highlighting some profiles on our blog, you may learn about an initiative that you may not have initially seen in the directory. Also, if you know of a Canadian community-engaged arts for social change initiative that isn’t in our directory, but should be, please let us know! We love and need your input/feedback in building this resource! -Lisa, Content Coordinator at ArtBridges.

« Pointe-Saint-Charles Art School – Small is Beautiful! We are a small art school – with a very large aspiration to make art accessible. Art is for everyone. It is not a magic formula, nor an elite practice. At our school, we want to invite anyone who has a yearning to paint, draw, sculpt or make prints to join us. Our teachers not only teach technique but also guide students to discover and develop individual and creative self-expression. »

To read more about the Pointe-Saint-Charles Art School, please see their profile in ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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