Profile: Theatre for Living (Headlines Theatre) [Vancouver] – Artbridges

Profile: Theatre for Living (Headlines Theatre) [Vancouver]

Profile: Theatre for Living (Headlines Theatre) [Vancouver]

Us&Them_dress_0216 - Version 2

Profile: Theatre for Living (Headlines Theatre)
Status: Non-profit, Charity
Communities Served: Youth, Adults, Seniors, First Nations, Metis or Inuit (FNMI), Dis/Abilities
Catchment Area: Canada-wide
Art Disciplines: Theatre
Language(s) Used:
 English, we can also work through translators
Community-Engaged Arts / Arts for Social Change Activities: Founded in 1981, Theatre for Living has evolved from Augusto Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed. The work is designed to help communities engage in real dialogue. We offer main stage projects, training workshops, Power Plays (small performance-based community workshops) and non-performance-based workshops. For complete info:
Mandate/Mission: To promote, develop and produce community-based theatre, video and film generally, and THEATRE FOR LIVING specifically, as these cultural forms spring from and speak to issues that arise from community* concerns; theatre, film and video that raise social awareness, encourage new audiences, and share in culture-making skills. To build a working relationship between the art forms and the communities they serve.
*Community is defined as any group of people who share a common concern.

2 Degrees_67232º of Fear and Desire: David Diamond facilitating an audience interactive event. Photo by: Tim Matheson

Contact: Liza Lindgren, Outreach Coordinator
Telephone: 604-871-0508
Address: 323-350 East 2nd Ave., Vancouver, BC. V5T 4R8
Additional Info:
Corporations in our Heads: Video by Dima Alansari
Us and Them promo video: Video by Liza Lindgren

– submitted by David Diamond
Main photo (at top): Us and Them: (in box) Iris Paradela-Hunter, (on top) Connor Polishak, (at right) Brandy McCallum. Photo by David Cooper.

Maladjusted _promo Maladjusted_preview_0282 Maladjusted: (Promo Shot) – foreground: Micheala Hiltergerke, background: Pierre Leichner. Photo by: David Cooper
Maladjusted 2: Left to right: Micheala Hiltergerke and Colin Ross. Photo by: David Cooper

See ArtBridges’ Google map for more info.
For ArtBridges/ToileDesArts sponsorship opportunities: Simon Constam, Sponsorship Director,, 905-537-7227
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