« There is some colourful art peppering the urban scene here in Riversdale. If you’ve a taken a stroll down 20th St West, or meandered your way down to the Saskatoon Farmer’s Market in recent times, you may have spotted some of it. There are a handful of paintings dotting the background of Riversdale’s commerical district, exclusively in the alleys surrounding or near 20th Street West.
[…] In total, there are 10 paintings that have gone up. They are the product of the Museum of Temporary Art (MoTA), a public art experiment that comes from Open Studio Projects based right here in the neighbourhood. Jeff Nachtigall, founder of Open Studio Projects, is a well-known Saskatoon based artist, and judging from his TEDx talk, he’s quite a storyteller, too. Ask Jeff about what MoTA is, and he’ll explain it as visual art that exists in the space between graffitti and formal public art . To put that in perspective, MoTA installed a painting on the back of our office at The Two Twenty, but we had no idea or say in what the finished product was going to look like. » […]
There is more art to come. The next iteration of MoTA – set to launch in Riversdale on April 1st, 2016 – will be taking the ideas of community, collaboration, and participation to new heights. Of the 10 new pieces Nachtigall has arranged to go up in the neighbourhood, the majority of them will have been created by other members of the community, not him. MoTA, in partnership with The Riversdale Business Improvement District, will act as a facilitor, helping school groups, businesses and people of all ages join the effort, create art, and ultimately share it with their community. » (via Shift Development)
-posted content and photo with permission from Jeff Nachtigall & Shift Development