RBC Arts Access Fund (Neighbourhood Arts Network) – Artbridges

RBC Arts Access Fund (Neighbourhood Arts Network)

RBC Arts Access Fund (Neighbourhood Arts Network)

« The RBC Arts Access Award is designed to support newcomer artists across Toronto. The awards range from $500 to $1500 to support costs associated with arts projects, such as artist fees, art supplies, equipment rental, space rental and food costs for a workshop or event.  Additionally, awards may also support professional development, training and mentorship requests for newcomer artists looking to improve their skills regarding working in and with community.

Deadline: June 24, 2019 at 11:59 p.m. (EST)

Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must be:
– Newcomer who has been in Canada no more than 7 years
– Canadian Citizen, or Permanent Resident (Landed Immigrant), or have an application pending for Permanent Resident status, or be a Protected Person (approved refugee claimant)
– Over 18 years old
– Live in the City of Toronto or GTA (Halton, Peel, York and Durham municipalities
– A member of Neighbourhood Arts Network, if you are not a member, sign up here

*Artists can receive only one RBC Arts Access Fund per year. »

For more information, please visit Neighbourhood Arts Network’s website.

-from Neighbourhood Arts Network
Read Neighbourhood Arts Network’s profile on ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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