REBIRTH: Artist Educator Professional Development Certificate Program (Toronto) – Artbridges

REBIRTH: Artist Educator Professional Development Certificate Program (Toronto)

REBIRTH: Artist Educator Professional Development Certificate Program (Toronto)

« This professional development certificate program is designed for emerging and established Artist Educators and Community Facilitators; those in the Community Arts Sector who want to serve marginalized sections of society, who find themselves in a time of transition and transformation.

The Rebirth program is designed for those seeking to develop their professional skills to produce quality work in the Community Arts Sector.

If you are feeling called to create personal and collective transformation through engagement with social justice, healing, and education through the arts, then this space was created for you


There are 3 major components to this training (total of 28 hours):

  1. AWAKEN: Weekend Intensive (June 8 & 9 | 11am-7pm) – at Jumblies
  2. EVOLVE: Seminars (June 3, 10, 17, 24 | 6-8pm) – at Art Starts
  3. EMERGE: Masterminds (June 3, 10, 17, 24 | 8-9pm) – at Art Starts

Optional Bonus* EXPAND: 1-on-1 Private Coaching (flexible schedule) »

For more information, please visit REBIRTH’s event and registration page and


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