Registration Reminder!: Introduction to Mural Arts Course (Toronto) – Artbridges

Registration Reminder!: Introduction to Mural Arts Course (Toronto)

Registration Reminder!: Introduction to Mural Arts Course (Toronto)


« Mural Routes presents Step x Step: Introduction to Mural Arts

Mural Routes will continue the Step x Step model for a free, intergenerational intro to mural arts course, this time at Toronto Public Library: Flemingdon Park Branch.
A total of 9 workshops will run at the Library on Saturdays 10am-1pm from February 23 to April 27, 2013.

The curriculum places a strong emphasis on connecting art and design techniques to practical mural making. Using the nearby CN Rail Rainbow Tunnel as a tangible project example, participants will be encouraged to design for and eventually volunteer on the project.
Pre-registration is required and spaces are limited – contact Tara Dorey, Program Coordinator by e-mailing

Mural Routes is a not-for-profit arts service organization dedicated to the creation, development and promotion of public wall art. Our vision is to inspire the creation of extraordinary public wall art that serves as a catalyst for community building. Mural Routes is collaborating with City of Toronto: Parks Forestry and Rec as well as Flemingdon Neighbourhood Services to paint the inside of the East Don Valley Trail CN Rail « Rainbow » tunnel this Spring of 2013.
The tunnel’s south-facing “Rainbow” mural was re-furbished by Mural Routes artists in the Fall of 2012.

For more information on the program, please visit:  »

-submitted by Tara Dorey, Program Coordinator, Mural Routes

Read ArtBridges’ profile on Mural Route here.
Please see ArtBridges google map for more information.

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