Reminder: « Building Connections Workshop (Community Arts Ontario) – Artbridges

Reminder: « Building Connections Workshop (Community Arts Ontario)

Reminder: « Building Connections Workshop (Community Arts Ontario)

caobcBuilding Connections: Make More Friends- How to Establish Connections on Facebook

Tuesday, September 27, 2011 from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

« A detailed 10 tip workshop specific to getting more out of a Facebook Business page. It will explain how to categorize yourself to get the most likes, how to revive a dead page and how to keep things alive and interesting. Have you ever wondered how to get more people to like your page? How to keep them engaged and visiting? How do you track your success? Learn the answers to all these and more at Community Arts Ontario’s Make More Friends Facebook Workshop.

Scott Walker from Hootsuite is coming and will share the latest developments on how to schedule Facebook updates. He is also a LinkedIn expert.

Use the disocunt code « Facebook2for1 » to save 50% off the workshop!!

FACILITATORS Nicole Ghanie-Opondo, Social Media Coordinator at Toronto Public Health & Scott Walker, Hootsuite
WHEN Tuesday, September 27, 2011 from 10AM-12PM
WHERE East Mississauga Community Health Centre
COST $21.49 for Members and $28.33 for Non-Members

Community Arts Ontario is a provincial service organization comprised of cultural centres, community arts groups, municipalities, artists and public supporters. CAO cultivates and connects the arts, artists and people across Ontario and provides network, exchange, and professional development opportunities for community arts practitioners. You can purchase your ticket on August 8th, 2011.

The East Mississauga Community Health Centre
, a branch of the Lakeshore Area Multiservice Project (LAMP), is a community based, charitable organization that believes in creating greater access to health resources in the community. We provide family health care services and health promotion programs. The East Mississauga CHC makes increased efforts to provide services and programs to isolated seniors, people living in poverty, under-serviced racialized groups and LGBTTIQQ2S* communities. Our services are available to those without status.
* LGBTTIQQ2S: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer, Questioning »

– posted with permission from Steve Khan, Community Arts Ontario

Please see ArtBridges’ Google Map  and previous Building Connections post for more information

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