Reminder: Conference: Art For All Canada, March 5-6th (Toronto) – Artbridges

Reminder: Conference: Art For All Canada, March 5-6th (Toronto)

Reminder: Conference: Art For All Canada, March 5-6th (Toronto)

Art For All Canada

Art For All Canada (AFAC) is a not-for-profit social enterprise, run by artists, to help visual artists develop, show and sell their work commission-free.

« Register for: any art demos / presentations / workshops of your choice; free lunch; draw for free art supplies; plus – enter the free art show for a week (see below).

I want to encourage you to attend our 3rd annual conference for visual artists because it is rather special this year. Artists who register to attend the conference will be invited to participate in a special, original, « never-seen-before » publicity event this year at the start of the conference. Be a part of this « World’s First ». Don’t miss it.

The conference runs the weekend of 5-6th March with a week-long public Art Show from 5-12th March, 2011 – all will be held at Metro Hall in downtown Toronto, Canada.

The first 100 artists to register are eligible to have a framed piece of art (up to 24″ wide x 30″ high) in the art show to be seen by thousands more people this year. While the conference fees are the same as last year the agenda is bigger than last year.

We have added all-day, half-day and shorter workshops for artists (see agenda) as well as more presentations and demonstrations from professional and successful artists on acrylics, oil, watercolour, encaustics, not to mention clay and power tool sculpting, raku ceramics as well as the best ways to stay healthy and to market yourself and your art business.

The conference agenda and the registration system are now available at
You save money if you register before 31st January 2011.

There are free networking lunches daily during the conference days.
If you are one of the first 100 artists to register we will include you in a unique publicity event – a « World’s First » – that will promote you and your work to an even wider audience. I’ll be able to let you have more news later but for now it must remain « hush, hush » – Yours in art.- Sheila J. Mitchell, Executive Director, Art For All Canada »

– Posted with permission from Sheila J. Mitchell, Executive Director, Art For All Canada

See conference schedule for more information.
Please see ArtBridges’ Google Map for contact information.
Read Art For All Canada’s profile on ArtBridges here.

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